
Practical Problem Solving Support


Practical Problem Solving Support

Develop Consulting’s Practical Problem Solving training became key to ensuring the production requirements were met ahead of schedule for a UK based niche sports car manufacturer.


  • £1m of potential savings over 4 years (ROI 5:1)
  • Safety, quality & motivation improved
  • Ongoing continuous improvement within the business as a result of the use of PPS methodology
  • Culture change to allow problems to be resolved faster and with an improved outcome


  • Ensure a successful transition from prototype to mass production
  • Stimulate a positive working practice change throughout the business to allow problems to be solved in less time and with a more robust outcome, reducing problem reoccurrence
  • Transform internal and external capabilities
  • Train engineers and specialists in Practical Problem Solving (PPS)
  • Use of PPS in ‘On Job Development’
  • Link PPS at production level into training with Senior Management & Executives

Improvement Strategy

Building on successful PPS training already carried out within the company, Develop Consulting worked closely with engineers, specialists, managers and senior executives to ensure a practical problem solving approach was taken towards a number of key production issues.

Providing hands on support, Develop Consulting helped the manufacturer to begin a positive culture change within the company, allowing problems and issues to be resolved both more quickly and more robustly to avoid problem reoccurrence. Transforming the company’s internal and external capabilities and passing a PPS methodology through to prevent supplier issues would create increased production capacity to match consumer demand for the vehicle.

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