
Energy and Operational Optimisation Project


Energy and Operational Optimisation Project

Develop Consulting’s support was requested by an international street lighting company based in Hertfordshire.


  • By utilising our change method and standard operating procedures, achieved an 80% reduction in adjustments to the contracts over seven months, equating to £26k per month 
  • This improvement trajectory was estimated to be able to deliver a further £10k per month, year on year 
  • Because of the clear and measurable results from using our services, the original six-week contract was further extended four times.


The company maintains street lighting across the three London Boroughs and Redcar in the Northeast. With targets to maintain 99% “Lights On” during all lighting up periods, Develop Consulting were brought in to support in finding new and efficient methods to maintain high standards.


The organisation had recently commenced a reporting and measures recovery programme for three of their Private Finance Initiative contracts, and we were asked to support on this project, specifically to review the current processes and introduce a standard, efficient approach across all four PFIs.


  • We reviewed the existing process maps and referenced them against performance standards documents to ensure all deliverables were achievable
  • Conducted process mapping workshops to look at Customer Care, and processes to identify the lowest performing activities within the four contracts
  • Hosted two mapping workshops on routine maintenance and asset management
  • Ran two current state mapping workshops on Reactive Maintenance, Scouting and CMS
  • Mapped out a Customer Care future state process, which was digitised
  • Put together an action plan to bridge the gap from the current state to the future actions and results
  • Ensured all performance standards were captured
  • Led on two further future state workshops for Asset Management and Routine Maintenance
  • Created a new Standard Operating Procedure template along with generating templates for all seven Customer Care process steps
  • Developed KPIs to demonstrate system data input quality and SOP conformance

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