
Demand and Capacity Scheduling


Demand and Capacity Scheduling

Develop Consulting supported a fully elective specialist orthopaedic hospital, operating 12 theatres with 12 wards, to design a scheduling process to match demand with the available capacity.


  • Removed the requirement for theatre rental from private sector.
  • Reduced the need internally from 12 to 10 theatres.
  • Delivered a cost saving in excess of £1m (£1.3m in the first year).
  • Reorganised staff levels & improved the skill mix of theatre staff.
  • Implementation of PMO & Visual management systems.
  • Implemented electronic booking system (booking 6 weeks in advance with theatre list lock down 2 weeks prior to theatre date).
  • Level loading of theatres.
  • Understood & defined further project for years 2 & 3.
  • Outpatients (New build of department).
  • Pre-operative assessment (£250,000 actual saving).
  • Wards (£750,000 actual saving).
  • Improved communications between management and clinical staff.
  • Patient access (Medical secretaries reduced from 40 to 16)


  • Remove the need to rent additional theatre time & space from the private sector.
  • Engage with Informatics & IT to define & obtain accurate baseline data in a usable format.
  • Develop effective communication systems through reports, meetings & escalation structure etc.
  • Agree baseline costs and financial targets / ROI etc with Finance department.
  • Process & value mapped pathway from referral to clinical outcome.
  • Match demand to capacity.
  • Performed diagnostic activities to understand current situation including Capacity, demand & actual Activity.
  • Gap analysis


  • In depth stakeholder engagement, defining current & future state.
  • Financial & operational analysis and proposals validated by senior executive team.
  • Develop, deliver and agree conclusions and proposals.
  • Develop implementation plan.
  • Lean academy approach to coaching & mentoring nominated staff to lead workstreams.
  • Develop blended training package to roll out through the trust.
  • Train the trainers – work stream leads to have the ability to deliver their projects and become self sufficient in project management.
  • Coach & mentor.
  • Developed & implemented PMO & governance structure.
  • Implement theatre scheduling system incorporating level loading of demand

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