Develop Consulting Supports Rotary International Nepal School Project

15 May 2024

Midlands-based consultancy Develop Consulting has thrown its support behind one of the projects run by the international service organisation Rotary International, which will be transforming the lives of hundreds of children in Nepal.

The firm was approached by one of its trusted associates, Lee Kemp, who has been working alongside Develop Consulting for the past five years. Lee, who is himself a Rotarian, asked Develop Consulting for its support for a project he has been leading since 2018 to build a school for children in a district of Pokhara, the tourist capital of Nepal.

“It was a life-changing experience when I went there for a month in 2018, and I experienced the deprivation there firsthand,” said Lee. “Part of my Rotary humanitarian trip was to witness a school opening ceremony, this whole trip was so humbling and inspiring.”



Lee explained that over 300 schools in the area were demolished in an earthquake in 2015, and they are still rebuilding them. However, Nepal is the poorest country in Asia, it’s a very deprived area,  which is where Rotary International and the Rotary Club of Chesterfield provide such vital support.

The project aims to construct four new classrooms by November 2024 at the Shree Dharmasthi Basic School in Pokhara. This will increase the school’s capacity and reduce class sizes, which currently average 40 students, with one class having 52 pupils. The new facilities will nurture the potential of over 400 children while providing a safe playground space.

“It’s a project close to my heart,” said Lee, who has been instrumental in the Chesterfield Satellite Rotary, UK, and Pokhara Fishtail Rotary Nepal Joint Project. The goal is to raise £41,800 to cover the costs of construction, engineering consultants, and voluntary management work.

Develop Consulting is serving as a Bronze Sponsor of the appeal.

Steve Boam, CEO of Develop Consulting, said: “It’s a worthy cause, and we’re glad to be able to play a small part in it. Many of our projects are linked to construction, so it seems fitting that we can support another, even though it’s thousands of miles away. Lee is a valuable asset to us at Develop Consulting, and we rely on his skills, so when he approached us for some help, we were glad to offer sponsorship. We hope that by publicising this, we can encourage others to contribute as well.”

So far, £18,048 has been raised, which enables construction to start during school shutdown in July. The rest, a further £23,752 is needed by September to complete the construction and project successfully.

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