Are Airports Ready for the Summer Holiday Rush? 

16 Jul 2024

By Steve Clark, Airport Operations Director at Develop Consulting

The summer holiday season is fast approaching, and airports around the UK are bracing for an onslaught of passengers eager to take to the skies. However, amidst the excitement, a critical question arises – are our airports truly prepared to handle the surge while implementing significant security upgrades?

Passenger expectations continue to soar, with the understanding afforded during the COVID-19 recovery period now a distant memory. The hype surrounding the introduction of new security screening equipment and the sudden U-turn from Department of Transport to only allowing 100ml containers has undoubtedly piqued travellers’ interest, but are airports equipped to deliver on these promises?


Resource Readiness 

During my visits to various airports, I’ve observed a concerning trend – nearly 50% of security staff at some facilities have never experienced a summer holiday peak. These newly hired team members have recently undergone training but lack the invaluable experience of operating during peak demand. Meanwhile, time-served staff members are grappling with the challenges of mastering the new screening technologies.

Equipment Challenges

The global pandemic brought the screening equipment manufacturing industry to a standstill, leaving many uncertain about their future. Now, as demand skyrockets, these companies are facing immense pressure to ramp up production to unprecedented levels whilst meeting stringent deadlines. Compounding this challenge is a significant shortage of engineering personnel needed to install and commission the new systems.

Process Adaptations 

The introduction of advanced screening equipment necessitates a complete overhaul of existing processes. Each airport has designed its security lanes differently, requiring the development of new procedures tailored to their unique layouts. Gone are the days of a one-size-fits-all approach; airports must now adapt to bespoke operational models.

Passenger Confusion 

During my time observing security areas in recent weeks, I’ve witnessed widespread confusion among passengers regarding the latest screening guidelines. With each airport and terminal progressing at different stages of the migration process, the passenger experience has become increasingly fragmented.

For years, travellers have been accustomed to emptying their belongings into trays before reaching the security checkpoint. Now, they must refill their bags with items from their pockets, a counterintuitive process that may further exacerbate confusion and delays.

The Road Ahead 

Here in the UK, airports are leading the charge in adopting cutting-edge security technologies. As per legal requirements, all major airports must install high-tech 3D scanners by June 2024, allowing passengers to carry up to two litres of liquids through security checkpoints.

However, it appears that many major airports, including Heathrow, Gatwick, Stansted, and Manchester, will miss this deadline. While some security lanes have already integrated the new scanners, a complete rollout across these facilities is not expected until 2025. This delay stems from the significant infrastructure changes required, including reinforcing floors to accommodate the sizeable and weighty new machines.

As the summer holiday peak approaches, airports across the UK face an uphill battle in balancing heightened security measures with operational efficiency. While the implementation of advanced screening technologies promises a more seamless travel experience, the road to achieving this vision is fraught with challenges.

Addressing staffing shortages, equipment production bottlenecks, and process adaptations will be crucial in ensuring a smooth transition. Additionally, clear communication and guidance for passengers will be paramount in mitigating confusion and fostering a positive travel experience.

The coming months will undoubtedly test the resilience and adaptability of our airports. Only through meticulous planning, strategic resource allocation, and a steadfast commitment to excellence can they rise to the occasion and deliver the secure, efficient, and passenger-centric experience that modern air travel demands.

At Develop Consulting, we are working hand-in-hand with some of the UK’s major airport operations teams to support them through this transition period. Our expertise will prove invaluable in navigating the complexities of implementing new security processes while minimising disruptions to airline passengers.


For more details about the work Develop Consulting does within the airport sector, watch  this video or  visit this link

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